Khanepani limited Computer Operator 2081/07/30


लोक सेवा आयोग

काठमाडौं उपत्यका खानेपानी लिमिटेड, प्राविधिक, सूचना प्रविधि, चौथो, कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पदको खुला
समय ४५ मिनेट
प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा २०८१/०७/३०

विषय: सेवा सम्बन्धी तथा सामान्य ज्ञान
पूर्णाङ्क १००

उत्तरपुस्तिकामा प्रश्नपत्रको KEY अनिवार्य रूपले उल्लेख गर्नुपर्नेछ । उल्लेख नगरेमा उत्तरपुस्तिका रद्द हुनेछ । परीक्षामा calculator, mobile प्रयोग गर्न पाइनेछैन ।

Multiple Choice         50x2=100 Marks

1. While making cell reference in Excel sheet, which of the following is true in case of $C4?
A) Relative Row, Relative Column
B) Absolute Row, Relative Column
C) Relative Row, Absolute Column
D) Absolute Row, Absolute Column

 2. What would you choose to create a bar diagram?
A) Edit, Chart
B) Tools, Chart
C) Data, Chart
D) Insert, Chart

 3. Which application is commonly used to prepare a presentation/slide show?
A) Photoshop
B) PowerPoint
C) Outlook Express
D) Microsoft Edge

 4. Which key on the keyboard can be used to view slide show?
A) F1
B) F2
C) F5
D) F10

 5. Which shortcut key is used to open an existing presentation in PowerPoint?
A) Ctrl + O
B) Ctrl + N
C) Ctrl + M
D) Ctrl + K

 6. The operation of checking input data against specified criteria is known as:
A) Data Control
B) Data Verification
C) Data Validation
D) Cross Check

7. What does a telephone number, a birth date, and a customer name represent?
A) Record
B) Data
C) File
D) Database

8. Which key is used to connect two tables in a database?
A) Foreign Key
B) Candidate Key
C) Attribute Key
D) Super Key

9. Select the database object that holds data.
A) Form
B) Report
C) Query
D) Table

10. Inside which of the following tags is `<title>.....</title>` included?
A) `<body>.....</body>`
B) <head>.....</head>
C) `<div>.....</div>`
D) `<p>.....</p>`

11. Which of the following is not a database object?
A) Tables
B) Queries
C) Relationships
D) Report

12. Which software program is used to view web pages?
A) Site
B) Host
C) Link
D) Browser

13. A group of fields in the database management system that provides information about a particular person or object is referred to as:
A) Table
B) Report
C) Record
D) Candidate Key

 14. 'Hashtag' is used in social media to:
A) Increase email subscribers
B) Categorize post and facilitate search
C) Message others privately
D) Change settings

 15. What does CMS stand for?
A) Content Management System
B) Content Managerial System
C) Context Management System
D) Character Management System

 16. Which of the following social media platforms is best suited for professional networking and job hunting?
A) Instagram
B) Facebook
C) LinkedIn
D) Snapchat

 17. Which of the following database objects allows adding, removing, or displaying the data stored in the database?
A) Form
B) Report
C) Macros
D) Tables

 18. How many members constitute the Board of Directors of KUKL?
A) 5
B) 7
C) 9
D) 11

 19. गुगलले ड्रोनमार्फत डेलिभरीको सुरूवात कुन देशबाट ग-यो?
A) अमेरिका
C) दक्षिण कोरिया

 20. What is a challenge associated with social media?
A) Lack of internet connection globally
B) Increased privacy protection
C) Reduced usage of smartphone
D) Cyber bullying and misinformation

 21. विद्युतीय (इलेक्ट्रोनिक) कारोबार ऐन, २०६३ अनुसार प्रमाणीकरण गर्ने निकायले कति वर्षमा इजाजतपत्र नवीकरण गर्नु पर्दछ?



 22. सूचना तथा सञ्चार प्रविधि नीति, २०७२ मा सन् २०२० सम्ममा कति प्रतिशत नेपालीहरूलाई डिजिटल साक्षर बनाउने लक्ष्य राखिएको छ?
A) ७०
C) ९०
D) १००

 23. Which of the following is not a member of Information Technology Tribunal as per the Electronic Transactions Act, 2063?
A) Information Technology Member
B) Banking Member
C) Commerce Member
D) Legal Member

 24. When is Nepal declared a Federal Democratic Republic?
A) Jestha 15, 2064 BS
B) Jestha 19, 2064 BS
C) Jestha 15, 2065 BS
D) Jestha 19, 2065 BS

 25. How many local level governments are there in Nepal?
A) 276
B) 460
C) 750
D) 753

 26. सरकारी कार्यालयको वेबसाइटमा एकरूपता कायम गर्नको लागि नमूना (Template) निर्माण गर्ने व्यवस्था गरिएको छ ।
A) सञ्चार तथा सूचना प्रविधि मन्त्रालय
सूचना प्रविधि विभाग
C) राष्ट्रिय सूचना प्रविधि केन्द्र
D) प्रधानमन्त्री तथा मन्त्रिपरिषद्को कार्यालय

 27. Which was the first computer introduced in Nepal?
A) IBM 1400
B) IBM 1401
C) IBM 1402
D) CDC 1604

 28. A program written to a hardware's ROM at the time of manufacturing, which provides instructions on how that device should operate, is referred to as:
A) Firmware
B) Liveware
C) System Software
D) Utility Software

 29. Which of the following facilitates communication between a computer and the outer world?
A) Drivers

B) Storage
C) I/O

 30. ASCII stands for:
A) American Standard Code for International Information
B) American Standard Code for Instructions Interchange
C) American Standard Code for Information Integration
D) American Standard Code for Information Interchange

31. How many function keys are present on a standard PC keyboard?
A) 9
B) 10
C) 12
D) 15

 32. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time?
A) Cache memory
C) Magnetic core memory
D) Magnetic bubble memory

 33. Which of the following refers to the way in which the nodes of a network are linked together?
A) Topology
B) Connectivity
C) Bus
D) Star

 34. Which of the following is not the function of an Operating System?
A) Start the computer
B) Interpret the commands
C) Manage data files and programs
D) Store data

 35. What is an operating system?
A) A collection of software that manages computer hardware
B) A type of hardware
C) A programming language
D) A web-based system

 36. While using the Windows command prompt, which command displays all the files having the `.jpg` extension?
A) dir all.jpg
B) dir jpg.all
C) dir *.jpg
D) dir jpg.*

 37. Which of the following is not a part of an Operating System?
A) Electronic Spreadsheet
B) System Utilities
C) Device Drivers
D) Kernel

 38. What is the full form of BIOS?
A) Basic Input Output System
B) Binary Input Output System
C) Basic Integrated Operating System
D) Binary Integrated Operating System

 39. While working with MS-DOS, which command transfers a specific file from one disk to another?

 40. In MS-Word, which key or key combination is used to return from a sub-bullet to the main bullet?
A) Tab
B) Alt + Tab
C) Ctrl + Tab
D) Shift + Tab

 41. What is the blank space outside the printing area on a page called?
A) Clipart
B) Header
C) Margin
D) Footer

 42. What does the Ctrl + B shortcut accomplish in MS-Word?
A) It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
B) It adds a line break to the document
C) It makes the selected text bold
D) It applies Italic formatting to the selected text

 43. What is the shortcut key to print a document in Word Processing?
A) Shift + P
B) Ctrl + P
C) Alt + P
D) Esc + P

 44. Which of the following key combinations are used to generate the registered symbol ® in Word Processing?
A) Alt + Shift + r
B) Ctrl + Shift + r
C) Alt + Ctrl + r
D) Alt + Shift + Ctrl + r

 45. Page formatting options in a document can be applied in:
A) Page
B) Section
C) Document
D) Page Setup

 46. Which of the following refers to the address of each cell in a spreadsheet document?
A) Cell's column label
B) Cell's column label and worksheet tab name
C) Cell's row label
D) Cell's row and column labels

 47. In mail merge in Word Processing, the list of information like names, addresses, and phone numbers which is inserted in the main document is called:
A) Data Source
B) Merge Document
C) Merge Field
D) Data Field

 48. Which of the following is not a correct method of editing the cell content?
A) Press the Alt key
B) Press the F2 key
C) Click the formula bar
D) Double-click the cell

 49. Which of the following symbols is used to start all formulas in Excel?
A) %
B) +
C) =
D) -

 50. Which button do you click to add up a series of numbers?
A) The AutoSum button
B) The Formula button
C) The Quick Total button
D) The Total button






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