Ethical and Social Issues in ICT

 Ethical and Social Issues in ICT
Ethical and social issues in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) arise from the widespread use of digital tools, data, and communication networks, and they impact individuals, organizations, and societies. These issues involve questions about privacy, responsibility, fairness, and the impact of technology on human relationships and society. 

A. Short Answer Questions
1. What is ICT?

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) refers to the technologies used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management systems, audio-visual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions.

2. What is social media? List any four social media.

Social media are online platforms that allow users to create, share, and interact with content and with each other. Four examples of social media platforms are:
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Instagram
- LinkedIn

3. List any four threats in social media.
- Cyberbullying
- Identity theft
- Phishing attacks
- Privacy invasion

4. List any four ways that help you to stay safe on social media.
- Use strong, unique passwords.
- Enable two-factor authentication.
- Adjust privacy settings to limit who can see your information.
- Be cautious about sharing personal information.

5. What is a digital signature?
A digital signature is a cryptographic technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software, or digital document, ensuring that it has not been altered in transit.

6. Write any four objectives of IT policy -2072.
- To establish an information technology-driven society.
- To ensure the availability of IT services to all sectors of society.
- To develop skilled human resources in the IT sector.
- To enhance e-governance for efficient public service delivery.

7. What is cybercrime? List any four cyber crimes.
Cybercrime refers to illegal activities conducted through the internet or other digital means. Four examples of cybercrimes are:
- Hacking
- Identity theft
- Online fraud and scams
- Cyberstalking

8. Write any four objectives of ETA.

- To regulate electronic transactions.
- To ensure the legal recognition of digital signatures.
- To control and prevent cybercrime.
- To promote e-commerce and digital trade.

9. Write any four provisions of ETA.
- Legal recognition of electronic records and digital signatures.
- Rules governing electronic contracts.
- Provisions for the investigation and punishment of cybercrimes.
- Guidelines for data protection and privacy.

B. Long Answer Questions
1. List any four advantages and disadvantages of ETA.
- Facilitates secure online transactions.
- Provides legal recognition to digital signatures.
- Helps in the regulation of e-commerce.
- Aids in the prevention of cybercrime.
- Implementation challenges in remote areas.
- Risk of digital divide.
- Potential misuse by cybercriminals.
- Complexity in understanding and complying with regulations.

2. Define Digital Footprint. Write its usage.
A digital footprint is the trail of data you leave behind when using the internet. It includes your browsing history, social media activity, emails, and any other online actions. Digital footprints are used by companies for targeted advertising, by employers for background checks, and by law enforcement for investigations.

3. Define computer ethics. List any four commandments of computer ethics.
Computer ethics refers to the moral principles that guide the use of computers and technology. Four commandments of computer ethics are:
- Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
- Thou shalt not interfere with other people’s computer work.
- Thou shalt not snoop around in other people’s computer files.
- Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.

4. Why is cyber law necessary in Nepal? Explain in brief.
Cyber law is necessary in Nepal to regulate and protect online activities, ensuring that the internet is used safely and securely. It helps in combating cybercrimes such as hacking, identity theft, and online fraud, and provides a legal framework for digital transactions and e-commerce. Additionally, it safeguards citizens' privacy and promotes responsible use of digital technologies.

C. Write the technical terms for the following:
1. A website that enables people to interact with each other by sharing contents.

Social Media

2. Stealing personal information in social media.
Identity Theft

3. Responsibilities and duties of a digital citizen in a digital community.
Digital Citizenship

4. Data traces of all the online activities that a person performs while using the Internet.
Digital Footprint

5. A crime committed with the help of a computer.

6. Stealing or destroying data information and files.
Data Theft

7. The repeated acts of harassment or threatening the victim by using internet service like email.

8. A law that legalizes the transaction through electronic media.
Electronic Transactions Act (ETA)

D. Write the full forms of the following:

1. ICT - Information and Communication Technology

2. ETA - Electronic Transactions Act

3. ATM - Automated Teller Machine

E. Choose the correct option:
1. A technology that uses computers, the Internet, and other media for storing, retrieving, and
exchanging information among people is:
- a) Broad Band Technology
- b) IT
- c) CT
- d) ICT
2. ___ is the social media.
- a) Facebook
- b) Google
- c) Online news
- d) Fakebook

3. People can share ___ on the social media.
- a) Ideas
- b) Opinions
- c) Latest news and information
- d) All of the above

4. Which is the cybercrime?
- a) Software piracy
- b) Hiking
- c) Software Privacy
- d) All of the above

5. Cyber law deals with...
- a) Online fraud
- b) Cyberbullying
- c) Software piracy
- d) All of the above

6. The cyber law of Nepal has...provisions.
- a) Digital signature
- b) Network service
- c) Formation of Judicial body
- d) All of the above

7. The cyber law of Nepal is also known as:
- a) Digital Signature Law
- b) Electronic Transaction Law
- c) Electronic Transaction and Digital Signature Law
- d) Computer law

8. If a person pirates, destroys, or alters computer source code to be used for any computer, he/she is liable for imprisonment for not exceeding:
- d) 4 years
- a) 5 years
- b) 1 year
- c) 3 year
E.  Match the following:
Group 'A'                                             Group 'B'

1. Decryption             iii. Converting encrypted data back into its original form, so it can be understood.

2. Digital Signature      i. Security mechanism relies on two keys - Public key and Private key.

3. Hacking                   v. Stealing of data, information, and controlling the computer system.
4. Digital citizenship    ii. Responsibilities and duties of a digital citizen in a digital community.|

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