A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life

 3.       Health and Wellness

A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm delighted हर्षित to have the honour सम्मान of opening this international conference सम्मेलन on the Joint Programming Initiative पहल "A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life".

It's a topic that's never out of the media संचार, with endless variations विविधता on whether carbs, fat, sugar or protein are good or bad, or reports on the latest wonder food that will stop cancer in its tracks or help us live longer.


We are now relying on science and innovation नविनता to help us tackle the new public health challenge that is diet and lifestyle-related diseases such as overweight and obesity मोटोपन sometimes described as the greatest public health challenge of our times.

 It's a challenge that all member states are facing to different degrees, so it makes perfect sense - both scientifically and economically to pool our knowledge together.

That's why this Joint Programming Initiative is so important.

When Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life was launched, the Council of the European Union noted that in the last three decades the levels of overweight and obesity in the EU have risen dramatically, particularly among children, and that the trend of poor diet and low physical activity is getting even worse.

Many chronic
दीर्घकालीन conditions such as cancer, neurological and mental disorders, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and type 2 diabetes can be prevented or modified through better lifestyles and healthier diets.

Different projects are delivering insights such as how diabetes and obesity can be prevented, how they progress, how early diagnosis
निदान can improve quality of life, and how to select the best treatments.


But despite the improvements, much more needs to be done, particularly because of the trans-generational effects of obesity and diabetes.

Horizon 2020, Europe's 80-billion-euro research and innovation programme, is designed to tackle society's biggest challenges.

The two things that are most relevant to 'A Healthy Diet for A Healthy
Life' are food safety and the bio economy, and health, demographic
change and wellbeing.

For the next seven years, these challenges will fund the very best research on nutrition, health, diet-related disease and ageing and translate the knowledge gained into innovative and effective products, treatments, services and strategies to benefit all patients, and to prevent many people from developing disease in the first place.


It will require an unprecedented level of cooperation along the healthcare innovation chain, starting with researchers that char- acterise diseases, to those who use this knowledge by developing new biomarkers, diagnostics and medicines and to regulators who evaluate and approve them.

Unfortunately, different attempts to encourage healthier eating have not yet led to major changes in patterns of food purchase and consumption.

That's where a multidisciplinary approach comes in, with health and nutrition research and innovation that includes the social sciences. We all know, for example, that understanding people's behaviours and their relationship to food and exercise is vital in helping them to make healthier choices.

I'm convinced that Horizon 2020 can make excellent progress on research and innovation for healthy diets and healthy lives.

There's no point in all this effort if the good intentions of the Research Agenda aren't turned into concrete action.

So, implementation is important, and this will be achieved first by coordinating national research programmes and activities. Today's launch of the implementation plan marks a major step forward in putting the Strategic Research Agenda into action.

And I also encourage you to explore other avenues besides joint
calls and knowledge networks to implement your Strategic Research
Agenda such as linking to other relevant JPIs and by benefiting from
common European research infrastructures.

Above all, in this critical phase of implementation, I urge the Member States participating in this JPI to unlock national funding for research and to actively engage in aligning national research programmes and innovation policies.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I wish you an excellent conference, full of innovative ideas and interesting discussions. I look forward to hearing the results.

Thank you.

(The text is an adapted version of the opening address to the conference on the Joint Programmaing Initiative (IPI) delivered by Maire Geoghegan Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, in Brussels on 28 March 2014)

A. Consult a dictionary or the internet and define the following words/phrases.
a. Wonder food:
 A term used to describe a food or ingredient that is believed to have extraordinary health benefits or healing properties. 

b. Cardiovascular diseases: A group of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels, including conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

c. Bioeconomy: An economic system that utilizes biological resources and processes to produce sustainable products, energy, and services.

d. Demographic change: Refers to shifts in the composition and characteristics of a population, including factors such as age, gender, fertility rates, migration patterns, and life expectancy.

e. Multidisciplinary approach: An approach that involves incorporating knowledge and expertise from various disciplines or fields of study to address complex problems or challenges.

f. Economic inequalities: Refers to the disparities or differences in income, wealth, and opportunities among individuals or groups within a society.

g. Neurological disorders: Disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, leading to symptoms such as cognitive impairment, movement problems, seizures, and sensory disturbances.

h. Biomarkers: Biological indicators or measurable characteristics that can be used to assess and evaluate physiological, pathological, or pharmacological processes or responses.

B. Complete the sentences below with one of the words in red from the text above.

a. The children were especially delighted that there were enough cookies for each of them to have two.
b. The organization held its annual conference in New York this year. The health ministers of more than forty countries attended it.

c. It is innovation that makes any organization a successful one.
d. Your life changes dramatically if you perform in your studies.
e. Mr. Gurung is leaving the job because of neurological disease.
f. Early diagnosis of a disease helps us to cure it soon.
g. We have faced unprecedented level of climate change at present.

h. The patient may need blood work or other biomarkers to determine his specific health problem.
i. The world looked for different multidisciplinary to find the solution to COVID-19.

C. Choose the best alternatives to complete the following sentences.
a. The greatest public health challenge at present is.

i. cancer                        ii. diabetes                   

iii. obesity                     iv. cardiovascular disease

b. The Joint Programming Initiative will bring the ............ of member states together.
i. lifestyle                     
ii. economy                 

iii. challenge                  iv. knowledge

c. The health care innovation chain begins from..
i. researchers            
   ii. biomarkers              

iii. diagnostics                iv. regulators

d. The need behind multidisciplinary approach is

i. the unchanged pattern of food purchase and consumption
ii. the lack of effective treatments for patients
iii. the poor quality of life
iv. the lack of progress in research and innovation

e. Through this speech, the speaker wants to.........

i. open the conference on the Joint Programming Initiative
ii. invite new public health challenge
iii. launch the programme 'A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life'
iv. appeal the members of EU for collaboration for research and innovation

D. Answer the following questions.
a. What topic is the speaker talking about when she says, "It's a topic that's never out of the media?"

The speaker is talking about the topic of a healthy diet for a healthy life.
b. According to the speaker, what is the cause of obesity among children in the EU?
According to the speaker, the cause of obesity among children in the EU is the trend of poor diet and low physical activity, which is getting worse.

c. What should people do to prevent themselves from the diseases like type 2 diabetes?
According to the text, people should adopt better lifestyles and healthier diets to prevent diseases like type 2 diabetes.

d. What is Horizon 2020?
Horizon 2020 is Europe's 80-billion-euro research and innovation program designed to tackle society's biggest challenges.

e. Why is research very important to fight against the health challenges?

Research is very important to fight against health challenges because it provides insights, knowledge, and innovations that can lead to better understanding, prevention, and treatment of diseases.

f. What result can Horizon 2020 give if it is implemented effectively?
If implemented effectively, Horizon 2020 can result in innovative and effective products, treatments, services, and strategies for nutrition, health, diet-related diseases, and aging. It can benefit patients by improving their quality of life and preventing the development of diseases.

g. What results does the speaker expect from the conference?

The speaker expects the conference to generate innovative ideas and interesting discussions. The specific results or outcomes desired from the conference are not mentioned in the text.

h. Do you think that the people of the EU will be benefitted by this conference? If yes, what benefits will they get?

It can be inferred that the people of the EU can potentially benefit from this conference. By pooling knowledge and resources, implementing research findings, and promoting healthier lifestyles, the conference aims to address the public health challenges related to diet and improve the well-being of individuals in the EU.

Grammar II

A. Circle the correct words to complete these sentences.
a. The doctor told me do /to do some exercise every day.
b. She said, "Don't shout /Not to shout."

c. The doctor forbade me to eat/not to eat junk food.
d. I told her, "To speak/Speak slowly."
e. Sumina promised to tell no one/not to tell anyone.
f. My mother said, "To get /Get out of bed early!"

g. The mountain guide warned him to take/not to take the oxygen cylinder.
h. Sugam said to me, "Go
to/ Go home and take a rest."
i. He ordered us we got out /to get out of his way.
j. The librarian requested them please do not make/ not to make a noise.

B. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. Use the reporting verbs in brackets.

a. "Bring some sugar, Punita," she said. (ask)

= She asked Punita to bring some sugar.

b. "You must submit your assignment soon," the teacher said. (tell)

= The teacher told me that I must submit my assignment soon.

c. "Remember to come early, Anu," he said. (remind)

= He reminded Anu to come early.

d. "You should see a doctor, Mrs Tamang," he said. (advise)

= He advised Mrs Tamang that she should see a doctor.

e. "Keep all the windows open, Nona," my father said. (warn)

=  My father warned Nona to keep all the windows open.

f. "Go home, Prashun," Furba said. (tell)

= Furba told Prashun to go home.

C. Report the following sentences in indirect speech.
a. The hermit said, "Don't idle away your time."
= The hermit told me  not to idle away my time.

b. Madan said to his friend. "Please help me with money."

= Madan requested his friend to help him with money.

c. "Be not afraid, noble prince", said the Guru.

= The Guru adviced the noble prince not to be afraid.

d. He said to me, "Let me do my work."

= He asked me to let him do his work.

e. The General said to his troops, "Guard the fort.

= The General instructed his troops to guard the fort.

f. Aaswin said to the teacher, "Please excuse me, madam."

= Aaswin requested the teacher to excuse him.

g. The guide said to the visitors, "Follow me carefully."

= The guide asked the visitors to follow him carefully.

h. My teacher said to me, "Don't look behind."

= My teacher told me not to look behind.

i. Mother said to the daughter, "Get ready to receive the guests."

= Mother told the daughter to get ready to receive the guests.

 j.  The boy said to the rescuers, "Please help me to get out of this well."

= The boy requested the rescuers to help him get out of the well.

k. The teacher said to the boys, "Read silently."

= The teacher told the boys to read silently.

l. The coach said, "Let's play a friendly football match."

= The coach suggested us to play a friendly football match.

m. The monk said to us, "Give up bad habits."

= The monk urged us to give up bad habits.

 n. Father said to me, "Do not tell a lie."

 = Father told me not to tell a lie.

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