कम्प्यूटर अपरेटर
(प्राविधिक) पदको प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा
1. Which command divides the surface of the blank disk into sectors and assign a unique address to each one?
(A) Ver
(B) Format
(C) Fat
2. Which of the
following(s) is/are the parts of operating system?
(A) Device drivers
(B) System utilities
(C) Kernel
(D) All of the above
3. Which of the following
is the most important reason for installing windows updates?
(A) They may include
security patches.
(B) They can improve
the performance of your PC.
(C) They may fix bugs
in the operating system.
(D) They slow down the
start-up time of your computer.
4. Which of the following
command is not available in Tools
(A) Auto text
(B) Autocorrect
(C) Auto summarize
(D) Macro
5. Word warp feature.....
(A) sets text inside
the fixed margin
(B) appears at the
bottom of the document
(C) marks the
paragraph center
(C) apply border
around text
6. Indentation in computer
word processing is used to
(A) make the text
(B) change the
paragraph color.
(C) applies border
around text
(D) change line spacing
7. A spelling checker is
also called
(A) electronic
(B) electronic
(C) electronic
(D) none of the above
8. Which of the following
is not one of the three 'Mail Merge Helper' steps?
(A) Merge the two
(B) Set the mailing
list parameters
(C) Create the main
(D) Create the data
9. Which of the following
allow you to reuse a portion of text several times in a document?
(A) Block and move
(B) Block and delete
(C) Block and copy
(D) Block and reblock
10. In word processing, a
word is defined as
(A) 32 bits
(B) a string of letters
or numerals
(C) an-english
language word
(D) both (A) and (B)
11. Which of the following
is not a font style?
(A) Bold
(B) Italics
(C) Regular
(D) Superscript
12. Which of the following
is an absolute cell reference?
(A) !A!1
(B) $A$1
(C) #A#1
(D) &A&1
13. You can use the
formula palette to
(A) Format cells
containing numbers
(B) create and edit
formulas containing functions
(C) entered
assumptions data
(D) copy a range of
14. Getting data from a
cell located in a different sheet is called........
(A) accessing
(B) referencing
(C) updating
(D) functioning
15. Which is not a feature
of spread sheets?
(A) Sort
(B) Split windows
(C) Word Wrap
(D) Go To
16. A circular reference
(A) geometric modeling
(B) a cell that points
to a drawing object
(C) a formula that
either directly or indirectly depends on itself
(D) always erroneous
17. Which chart would be
better to track the progress of the stock market on a daily basis?
(A) Pie chart
(B) Row chart
(C) Line chart
(D) Column Chart
18. What is the
intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called?
(A) Column
(B) Value
(C) Address
(D) Cell
19. Which of the following
is not MS Excel function?
20 A Database Management
System is a type of software.
(A) System software
(B) Application
(C) General purpose
(D) Tailored software
21. A search value in SQL
query can be a specific value or it can be
(A) logical operator
(B) wild card
(C) relationship
(D) comparison
22. Which of the following
data type in MS Access allows alphanumeric characters symbols?
A) Text
(B) Auto number
(C) Currency
(D) Integer
23. Periodically adding, changing
and deleting file records is
called file.
(A) Renewing
(B) Updating
(C) Upgrading
(D) Restructuring
24. Attributes can be
defined for
(A) pages
(B) macro
(C) switch board
(D) Entity
25. In a database table,
the category of information is called
(A) record
(B) tuple
(C) field
(D) None of above
26. A relational database
consists of a collection of
(A) tables
(B) felds
(C) records
(D) Keys
27. Which kind of query
that displays its own dialog box prompting you for entering Information before executing?
(A) Select query
(B) Crosstab query
(C) Parameter query
(D) Dialog query
28. The PowerPoint view
that displays only text (title and bullets) is called as
(A) outline view
(B) notes page view
(C) slide sorter
(D) slide show
29. Which of the following
key is used to start slide show in MS PowerPoint?
(A) F6
(B) F7
(C) F5
(D) F3
30. The special effects in
a PowerPoint presentation used to introduce slides called as…….
(A) effect
(B) Transition
(C) slide animation
(D) Custom animation
31. What PowerPoint
feature will you use to apply motion effects to different object of a slide?
(A) Slide transition
(B) Slide design
(C) Animation objects.
D) Animation scheme
32. Which of the following
is the shortcut key to open the existing presentation in the powerpoint?
(A) Ctrl+M
(B) Ctrl+N
(C) Ctrl+O
(D) Ctrl+K
33. Web pages starts with
which of the following tag?
(A) <body>
(B) <title>
(C) <html>
(D) <form>
34. Which tag is used to
display text in title bar of a web document?
(A) Body tag
(B) Meta tag
(C) Title tag
(D) Comment tag
35. When you want to
include an image in the body of a html page, you use
A) <img> tag
(B)<include> tag
(C) <jpeg> tag
(D) none of the above
36. From what location are
the 1 computer Instruction available
on boot
(C) Boot.ini
37. Which of the following
is still useful for adding numbers?
38. External devices that are
connected to a computer system
are known as
(A) expansion cords
(B) peripherals
(C) buses
(D) slots
39. ASCII and EBCDIC are
the popular character coding systems. What does EBCDIC stand for?
(A) Extended Binary
Coded Decimal Interchange Code
(B) Extended Bit Code
Decimal Interchange Code
(C) Extended Bit Case
Decimal Interchange Code
(D) Extended Binary
Case Decimal Interchange Code
40. Which part interprets
program instructions and initiate control operations?
(A) Input
(B) Storage unit
(C) Logic unit
(D) Control Unit
41. Which kind of storage
device can be carried around?
(A) Floppy disk
(B) Hard disk
(C) System cabinet
(D) Primary Disk
42. Which of the following
extends and attends private network
across public network?
43. Which software
prevents the external access to a system?
(A) Firewall
(B) Gateway
(C) Router
(D) Virus checker
44. As per goal of ICT
policy 2072, what will be digital literacy of Nepalese by 2020?
(A) 70%
(B) 50%
(C) 75%
(D) 90%
45. What could cause a
fixed disk error?
(A) No-CD installed
(B) Bad RAM
(C) Slow processor
D) Incorrect CMOS
46. Extranet is………
(A) World Wide Network
(B) Network within
(C) Network among
similar type of organizations
(D) Network among
department of an organizations
47. The physical
arrangement of equipment in a network is called
A) topology
(B) queuing
(C) pairing
(D) logic
48. The Operating System
was first introduced, the primary
goal was mainly to
(a) share memory
B) user friendly
(c) optimize resources
(d) none of the above
49. Which command is used
to fix the minor errors of
the disk?
50. Operating system is:
(A) Package program
(B) An Interface
between user and computer
(C) Application system
(D) None of the above