राजपत्र अनंकित प्रथम श्रेणी (विविध)
कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पद
प्रतियोगितात्मक लिखित परीक्षा २०६२
समयः ४५ मिनेट विषय:- सेवा सम्बन्धी पूर्णाङ्क: ५०
बहुउत्तर (५० x १ = ५० अंक) ।
1 What is the function of Alt+f9? a. To insert Field code b. Switching field code c. Run macro d. none of the above 2 When was Abacus used? a. china, 2000 BC b. Korea, 1000 BC c. America, 2000 BC d. none of the above 3. To Make directory a. MKD b. CD c. MKDIR d. all of the above 4. The function of Count A() is ... a counts the number of empty cells b. counts the number of non empty cells c. counts the number of cells contains number d. all of the above 5. Full form of URL a. uniform resource language b. Uniform resource locator c. universal resource locator d. universal resource language 6. Hyperlink is a. graphics b colored text c. underline d. all of above 7.Short key for left indent a. Ctrl+L b. Ctrl+I c. Ctrl+M d. Ctrl+T 8. The short cut key for replace operation a. Ctrl + H b. Ctrl+F c. Ctrl+R d. none of the above 9. Which key is used to retrieve back deleted text a. Ctrl + Z b. Ctrl+Y c. Ctrl+U d. Ctrl+S 10. The key is used to uniquely defined record in master table a. Primary Key b. Foreign key c. composite key d. all of the above 11. In Ms-word, drop down shows the maximum font size. a. 48 b. 72 c. 100 d. 1638 12. Digital Signal a. /0 b. on/ off c. high/low d. all of the above 13. Properties of database a. consistency b. security c. independence d. all of the above 14. BIOS is used in a. Operating system b. Compiler c. application software d. interpreter 15. The program translates Line by line of source program is a. compiler b. interpreter c. Assembler d. translator 16. Pixel is found in a. XGA b. SVGA c. VGA d. all 17. Eight bits equals a. byte c. Kilobyte b. nibble d. Megabyte 18. To add effect to the object a. Slide transition b. Custom animation c. slide sorter view. d. none of the above 19. The maximum number of handouts per page in Power Point? a. 3 b. 6 c. 5 d. 9 20. Which cable transfer data faster? a. Twisted fair cable b. UTP Cable c. Fiber optics d. Coaxial cable 21. Which is not programming language? a. basic b. Cobol c. DDL d. APL 22. In excel first two lines are fixed to every page is from.. a. Print b. Print preview c. Page setup d. none of above 23. Volatile memory is a. RAM b. EPROM c. ROM d. PROM 24. Independence means a. Exclusive b. Sharing c. Inclusive d. none of the above 25. To modify the data type by a. Table design view b. Datasheet c. Open mode view d. all of the above 26. The function of Save as... a. supply new name b. Overwrites the existing file c. fast saving d. all of the above 27. Excel formula start from a. cqual sign b. Plus sign c. function name d. Opening parenthesis 28. Methods of saving document in MS word. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 5 29. The extension of index file is a. ndx b. ind c. idx d. all of the above 30. Which operating system uses short file 'name? a. Windows b. DOS c. Unix d. All of above 31. View menu doesn't show a. Outline b. page layout show c. normal d. object 32. To sent file to recipient a. File b. Edit c. View d. Insert 33. Easiest way to create chart a. Select range and click chart wizard b. Insert chart and select range c. draw the chart using drawing toolbar d. none of the above 34. Home page of HTML a. introductory page b. details information of page c. summary of page d. all of the above 35. The function of Dir/w a. shows all details of files b. show only file & directory name c. shows only directory d. all of the above 36. Tree Structure displays the ..... a. File only b. directory only c. directory and file name d. none of the above 37. John Napier. invented Napier's bone in...... a. 1550 c. 1740 b. 1617 d. 1920 38. Word processor is used to create document a. text b. number c. graphics d. all of the above 39. Slide sorter view is used a. sorting slides b. numeric order c. alphabetic order d. to view all slides 40. Batch file is used.... a. to run program b. to show the contents c. to record command d. all of the above 41. which one is the currently database? a. object oriented b. Flat file database c. Object oriented relational database d. none of the above 42. Hard disk is ..... a. primary memory b. Auxiliary memory c. volatile memory d. none of the above 43. Select Odd one. a. Print/Print Preview b. Column/ text c. Save / save as d. Inset/ insert cell 44. Full form of EGA a. Enhanced graphic adaptor b. Enhanced graph adaptor c. Eco graphic array d. Eco Graphical agency |